
Jesus commissioned his followers to go to the ends of the earth to seek and save the lost. Starting with our local community, we seek to 'Love because of God' - letting his love for us inspire us to reach out to those in those outside the church

North Raleigh International Baptist Church

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The Cardinal

Since early autumn 2021, Fr. Allen and a dedicated team of parishioners from St. Timothy's worship and fellowship together with residents of the Cardinal Senior Living Community each Wednesday morning at 11:00 a.m. Three out of four Wednesdays there is a service of Morning Prayer. One of four Wednesday we hold a service of Holy Communion.

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Anglican Episcopal House at Duke 

St. Timothy's enjoys a growing partnership with both Duke Chapel and the Anglican-Episcopal House of Studies at Duke Divinity School. During the academic year, members of the parish assist in worship at Choral Evensong services - officiating, reading the scriptures, and assisting with the procession. In addition to hosting a Duke Divinity student each year, we also seek to nurture the next generation of church leaders by supporting the Anglican-Episcopal House of Studies to carry out its mission.

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North Raleigh Ministries

St. Timothy's is proud to be one of the 5 founding churches of North Raleigh Ministries. Along with our Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Pentecostal brethren, we seek to serve the short-term and long-term needs of people in the northern part of Raleigh.

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Habitat for Humanity

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